Monday, October 8, 2007

Play creates play; Energy creates energy

SOOO many instances in life about how you get what you put into something. If you bring energy, say, it usually begets energy. It is contagious. the room and the individuals in it are affected. Same with play, if you bring a sense of play to what you are doing, play is created. It's really wonderful and simple. If you bring attitude and judgement, the same is created. Lesson? Bring what you want. Live it. In a truthful way.

Last night was an amazing HAPPY HOUR show! Such talent and fun. And SUCH great energy and play in the room. Lesson learned.

Oh, graduate students of improv are performing this Sunday @ 7pm at a new venue I have: SAGE Theatre in Midtown Manhattan. No drink minimum!! woohoo!

They're SO talented and funny. Hope you can come!

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