Thursday, October 18, 2007

Writing your life

I have been writing a lot lately. Writing this one person show. Telling my stories, incorporating my standup, improvising the whole while. I think the success I have found in writing is due to my ability to say yes to my impulses without judgement and to my ability to squelch the voices in my head that say I can't. If I don't follow impulses and instinct, I become inactive, thinking, worrying and unable to move. And if I can't quiet the voices (kkkill kkkill kkkilll herherherherher) , I can't trust myself enough to do it. Then done. Inaction.

Staying in action keeps our life moving. Staying in action keeps things happening. Improv teaches us this.

Erin Keating, teacher extraordinaire,, makes us write 10 minutes every day. It's nothing, but it keeps us in action. And it's enough.

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