I have not been blogging much as I have been writing my solo show, day and night: The F Trip
It is kicking my butt in every way shape and form. I'm writing my story while trying to maintain authenticity and at the same time, an engaging piece of theatre. I'm also trying to bring all (or most) of who I am to the show, which means funny and serious and improvisational. And I love telling stories. So I am telling 3 stories woven together in an improvisational manner that are at once devastatingly serious and desperately funny...hopefully.....please...God?
The show is moving forward, at sometimes an alarming rate. I will be premiering it at the MIDTOWN INTERNATIONAL THEATRE FESTIVAL July 25-27.(http://www.midtownfestival.org).
...and then fingers crossed, moving it to The Zipper in the Fall.
More details forthcoming...
Plan on coming to see me practice what I preach!