Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Where are you?

Improv teaches us the importance of noticing, discovering and utilizing our environment. And since it's all made up in improv, anything is possible. But something has to be discovered. Otherwise, we are in an unknown place, standing around talking, being affected by nothing.

The best improv scenes I have seen or been a part of are those that have a vivid, fully explored environment-----a dirty, dusty, moldy basement or a beach full of clams or a space station running out of oxygen. All these environments inspire and transform the scene.

It happens through saying yes to discovery, imagination and details. We reach out and discover a book, we say yes to the fact that it feels like we're in a library, we notice how eerily quiet it is (detail) and realize it's a haunted library, which then gives us the confidence to call our scene partner a scary apparition and so on and so forth....and the scene develops and grows

In life, details of environment are equally important. When was the last time you slowed down to notice the details around you? The color of your desk, the design of a building, the humming sound in the background, the ghost next to you... These details in our space help keep us present in the moment and grateful for all we have. Slow down. Be where you are. Notice the details. Let it in. See what happens. Life is in the details.

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