Tuesday, April 10, 2007

First time blogging! I so scare-wed!

So, now I can add blogging to my list of special skills on my resume thanks to my friend and student Kali Karagias. http://www.adhd.typepad.com

Woo-hoo! Is it working? Am I blogging? I am sooooo 2007!

I teach improv, in fact run my own school o' improv! I also do corporate improv, educational improv and have just been named Director of Improv at STAND UP NY at this major comedy club in NYC.

Soon there will be pictures and special fonts, games and puzzles!---but for now this will have to do!

Say YES to what life offers you! More sage advice to follow...


Kali said...

R Kim is blogging? Repost my URL babe!

http://www.adhd.typepad.com/ will work now.

I shortened it LOL

MinnePoliti said...

Hey, Kimmo!

Congratulations on your entre into the blogosphere, nicely done!