Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New Day, New Blog...

New font...too...See? I keep my word.

I was teaching my level 1 improv class last night and had some revelations. We were talking about heightening your point of view in scenework, being committed to it, being 100% true to who you were at that moment in the scene. And it dawned on me, how great life would be if people did this in the world. How great if our leaders were authentic in in their dealings and committed to that-- no matter what the odds. What if our friends were 100% committed to being their own authentic selves. There would be no discrepency between what should and what is. We would all be committed to what is present and authentic NOW---having nothing to do with regret for the past or worry for the future. It's easy-- because truth is easy. I really need some more coffee.

I have a performance playshop with 8 fabulous, former students that will be performing later in April. I'll keep you posted on details. Talk about seeing authenticity and commitment in action!

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